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Women's Health and Research Initiative
Human Cellular Neuroscience and the Uniqueness of the Human Brain
Integrative Research on the Functional Logic of Neural Circuits
Neurophysiology of Exposure to Extreme Environments-Pressure, Temperature, & Microgravity

APS Spotlight Cover Program
A custom solution for authors to showcase their work. Learn more here

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Updates and Announcements

Author Instructions

Please make sure you have read through these instructions and the Information for Authors carefully before beginning the submission process. To contact the Journal Staff regarding a submission that is already in progress, simply click the "Send Manuscript Correspondence" link located under the "More Manuscript Info and Tools" header on the manuscript details screen.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
New Account Registration
Modify Profile / Password
Review Process
Preparing to Submit
Submission Process
Getting Help
Context-Sensitive Help
Contact Journal Staff
Login Help
Manuscript Status

New Account Registration

To register a brand new account, click the "New Users: Please Register Here" link on the homepage. You will be asked to enter your Last Name, Email and Telephone Number so that the system may first determine if an account already exists for you. If the system determines you already have an account, your login name and a new, temporary password will be automatically emailed to you. If you need further assistance, please contact the Journal Staff directly.

If the system does not find an existing account in the database, you will be directed to the registration screen where you can enter in your personal information and choose a login name and password. You may log in immediately after creating your new account. You will also receive an email with your selected login information.

Modify Profile / Password

You may update your own profile information (such as address, areas of expertise, phone number, email, etc.) or your password at any time. Start by logging into your existing account. Click on the "Modify Profile/Password" link, displayed under the General Tasks near the bottom of your home screen.

Review Process

The manuscript submission and peer review processes are broken down into the following steps:

  1. The Author submits a manuscript.
  2. The Editor assigns Reviewers to the manuscript.
  3. The Reviewers review the manuscript.
  4. The Editor drafts a decision to be sent to the Author.

Preparing to Submit

Before submitting a manuscript, please gather the following information:

  • All Authors
    • First and Last Names
    • Institutional Affiliations
    • Work Telephone Numbers (for Corresponding Author only)
  • Title (you can copy and paste this from your manuscript)
  • Abstract (you can copy and paste this from your manuscript)
  • Manuscript files in DOC (please make sure the "Language" is "English (U.S.)" via Tools->Language->Set Language), RTF or LaTeX format.
  • Cover Letter
  • Figures/Images should be production-quality and submitted in PDF (preferred), PPT, or EPS format.

NEW: Please note that we have recently implemented an AI tool, SciScore, which scans the methods section for adherence to rigor and reproducibility guidelines. You will have access to the SciScore report once a decision is made on your paper. For more information on the APS Rigor and Reproducibility program, please see the Rigor and Reproducibility Checklist at . Additional information about the SciScore report can be found here:

NEW: APS Spotlight Cover Program - A custom solution for APS authors to showcase their work. As an author, you are invited to submit artwork for a Spotlight Cover in an APS journal when you upload your revised manuscript. Images chosen for the Spotlight Cover Program will be featured on the journal’s website in a carousel with a direct link to your article and in the online Table of Contents alongside the article. In addition, APS will post selected artwork via the Society’s social media channels. APS will also send you high-resolution digital files to share via your networks. You’ll also receive an 18-inch by 24-inch poster print of your cover. For more information, visit

Submission Process

The manuscript submission process is broken into steps that gather detailed information about your manuscript and allow you to upload the associated files. The five steps of the submission process are:

  1. FlexSubmit

    New submissions to Journal of Neurophysiology need not comply with APS technical requirements (reference format, order of components, etc.). As long as the required information is present, (all author information, abstract, running title, figures and tables, etc.) the paper will be reviewed for scientific content.

    If the paper moves forward to a revision stage, the paper must be formatted according to author guidelines when the revision is submitted.

  2. General Information
    All information about your manuscript, including the Authors, Manuscript Title, Abstract, Manuscript Classification, and File Quantities is gathered using a single submission form. NOTE: There is a button at the bottom of the screen that will allow you to save your progress and come back later, if needed. However, it is highly recommended that you try to submit your paper in one session if possible.

  3. Upload Files
    A screen asking for the actual file locations (via an open file dialog). After completing this screen, your files will be sent to be converted to PDF for the peer review process. NOTE APS DATA SUPPLEMENT POLICY. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:

  4. Confirmation
    A completion screen that will provide you with a specific manuscript tracking number for your manuscript.

  5. Approve Manuscript Files
    An approval screen that will allow you to verify your manuscript has been uploaded and converted to PDF correctly.

All information about your manuscript, including the Authors, Manuscript Title, Abstract, Manuscript Classification, and File Quantities is gathered using a single submission form. NOTE: There is a button at the bottom of the screen that will allow you to save your progress and come back later if needed. However, it is highly recommended that you try to submit your paper in one session if possible.

After the manuscript is submitted, you will be taken to a page that will allow you to review your manuscript that has been converted to PDF. If the conversion is incorrect, you can replace or delete your manuscript files as necessary. You will also have the ability to upload additional files if needed. After you have reviewed the converted files, you will need to click on the "Approve" links to approve each file. The final step is to click the "Confirm Approved Converted Files" link. This link will have a red arrow next to it. Throughout the system, red arrows reflect pending action items that you should address.

Getting Help

  • Context-Sensitive Help
    If you need additional help, you can click on the help signs spread throughout the system. A help dialog will pop up with context-sensitive help.

  • Contact Journal Staff
    You may contact the Journal Staff at any time by clicking the "Send Manuscript Correspondence" link under the "More Manuscript Info and Tools" header on the manuscript details screen.

  • Login Help
    If you have forgotten or do not know your login name or password, simply click the "Unknown/Forgotten Password" link on the home page. You will be asked to enter either your Login Name or your First and Last Name. If a single account can be found in the database, the system will automatically and instantly send you an email with your login name and a new, temporary password. If a single account cannot be identified from the information provided, you will need to contact the Journal Staff to reset your password for you.

If you still need assistance, please contact the journal via email at

Manuscript Status

After you approve your manuscript, the submission process is complete. You can get the status of your manuscript via:

  1. Logging into the system with your password.
  2. Clicking on the link represented by your manuscript tracking number and abbreviated title.
  3. Clicking on the "Check Status" link at the bottom of the displayed page.
This procedure will display detailed tracking information about where your manuscript is in the submission/peer review process.


The manuscript submission process starts by pressing the "Submit Manuscript" link on your "Home" page after you have logged into the system. Please make sure you have gathered all the required manuscript information listed above BEFORE starting the submission process.

Please press HOME to continue.

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